Form - Fields_v1

Form - Fields_v1






Form fields for trigger forms

Form fields of a Trigger-Forms are determined by the respective schema defined for your app. The type inside a JSON schema defines the data format of a field. Furthermore based on this type, form fields are rendered automatically in order to fit the defined format. The supported format types are listed in the section Schema - Types .

To create a trigger form you have to create a schema and afterwards create the form as a new property. How to do this is described here: Tutorial: Create a new form . In the form you can just refer to your schema. All fields and types (including file upload functionality) will be taken over from the schema. See example of form description below:

{ "title": "person", "description": "", "schema": "property.list?filter=global/app/MY_App/object/person/v1/schema", "output": "global/app/MY_APP/object/person/v1/instance/%23%7Bvar.property.uuid%7D" }

Form fields for task forms

When working with task forms via the Online-Workflow-Modeler you can select the form type directly from a dropdown list. In this list there are the same options as for schema.

Static drop down values for form fields

In case you want to show in a field of a trigger form a dropdown list you have the following options:

  1. Refer to a fix list with any values

  2. Refer to a group of users from IAM

Fix list of entries

To refer to a fix list of entries, you have to define enum in schema. Below you find an easy example for this.

"account": { "title": "Kostenstelle *", "type": "string", "enum": [ "1000", "2000", "3000", "4000", "5000" ] }

If you refer in the form section to this field “account”, you will see a dropdown list of the values entered (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000).

Group of users in IAM

to refer to a group of user in IAM, you have to adapt your schema and your form definition.

In your schema you have to define the respective filed as indicated below.

In schema:

"user": { "type": "string", "title": "User", "enum": [] }

Afterwards you have to enhance your form definition by an specification for the field an a easy pipeline definition, which gives you some values back from IAM. In the example below, all user from group “Employee (Standard)” will be shown in the dropdown list.

In form:

{ "field": "user", "visibleColumns": [ "username" ], "values": "pipeline:iam.group.members?name=Employee (Standard)" }

Dynamic drop down values for form fields

In case you want to filter values in a dropdown list based on specific entries in the form you have to enhance your schema and your form definition.


When a specific value for budget is exceeded, the list of potential reviewer is directly filtered to members of a specific group in IAM.

Can sign > 10k

Can sign <10k

Can sign > 10k

Can sign <10k

All members of group “C-Level”

All members of group “Department Head”

In schema:

"user": { "type": "string", "title": "User", "enum": [] }, "canSign": { "type": "number", "title": "Can sign" }

In form definition:

{ "title": "f1", "description": "", "schema": "property.list?filter=global/app/a1/object/f1/v1/schema", "output": "global/app/a1/object/f1/v1/instance/%23%7Bvar.property.uuid%7D", "script": { "onblur": "var response; if (form.canSign > 10000) { response = await pi.pipeline('iam.group.members?name=C-Level') } else { response = await pi.pipeline('iam.group.members?name=Department Head') }; if (response) { schema.properties.user.enum = response }" }, "layout": { "orientation": "vertical", "items": [ { "field": "user", "visibleColumns": [ "username" ] }, { "field": "canSign" } ] } }

Dynamic calculation of values in a form

You have the option to show calculated values in a trigger form. To do so you have to enhance the schema and the form definition. Below you will find an example how to show a sum of two entries (value1 and value 2) in a third filed.

In schema:

"value1": { "type": "number", "title": "value1" }, "value2": { "type": "number", "title": "value2" }, "value3": { "type": "number", "title": "value3" }

In form definition:

{ "title": "f1", "description": "", "schema": "property.list?filter=global/app/a1/object/f1/v1/schema", "output": "global/app/a1/object/f1/v1/instance/%23%7Bvar.property.uuid%7D", "script": { "onblur": "form.value3 = form.value1 + form.value2" }, "layout": { "orientation": "vertical", "items": [ { "field": "value1" }, { "field": "value2" }, { "field": "value3", "readonly": true } ] } }

Add attachments in a task form

You have the option to upload a file with a task form. To do so you have to enhance your schema and your form definition. Below you will find an example.

In schema:

"myFile": { "type": "object", "properties": { "filename": {"type": "string"}, "contentLength": {"type": "number"}, "contentType": {"type": "string"}, "contentEncoding": {"type": "string"}, "content": {"type": "string"} } }


In form:

"layout": { "orientation": "vertical", "items": [ { "field": "myFile", "height": "628", "render": "pdfviewer", "validation": [ { "type": "js", "rule": "!!val", "message": "Field is required" } ] } ] }

Tip: Be aware that you have to configure a layout for your form in order to show the file picker as expected.

Show attachments in a task form

This functionality will be available with PIPEFORCE Version 8.0. Documentation will be added after release.



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