





Events can be used to listen inside a pipeline to certain things happened in PIPEFORCE or in other systems. It’s also possible to trigger such events from inside a pipeline.

The Event JSON

In PIPEFORCE an event is represented by a JSON object with a certain structure like this:

{ "eventKey": "string", "namespace": "string", "payload": {JSON}, "async": true|false, "headers": { "key": "value", ... } }

This event JSON object is automatically provided to you in the body of the pipeline and can be accessed from there by a pipeline expression (PE).


Contains a unique key for this event type. The event keys are typically written lower case and in a dot notation where each part is separated by a dot.

Here are some examples of built-in event keys:

  • property.created

  • property.deleted

  • setup.finished

Events coming from external systems via webhooks must be prefixed with webhook.systemname. for example:


Custom events (not part of the built-in events) must be prefixed with the reversed internet domain name of the creator. For example:



The namespace (= tenant) where this event happened. If null or empty, the event was fired by a global instance.


The optional payload of the event as JSON object. The structure of this payload depends on the event type.

Note: Every event also has the virtual properties origin and target whereas each in term point to the origin or target properties inside the payload (if there exists any). Virtual means, these properties are not serialized to JSON and can only be accessed by a pipeline expression (PE). This is handy for filters, since no null check for payload is necessary here.

So these paths point to the same whereas the left part will never raise a null exception:

  • origin = payload.origin (the origin value BEFORE an event happened)

  • target = payload.target (the final value AFTER an event happened)

It depends on the event whether origin and / or target is provided and which structure they have. Please consult the documentation for the certain event.


true, in case this event was sent in asynchronous way. Otherwise false.


Optional name-value-pairs to describe the event. Its good practise to filter events based on header values and avoid filtering on payload because of performance.

Listening for events

In case a pipeline should be executed when a certain event was fired, the event.listen command can be used. When the pipeline is deployed, the event.listen registers itself as listener to the event system. Whenever an event is fired which matches the event.listen criteria, any subsequent commands of this pipeline are executed then.

Lets assume an example: Whenever a new lead was created in Salesforce, the pipeline must send an email to the sales team:

pipeline: - event.listen: key: webhook.salesforce.lead.created - mail: to: sales@company.tld subject: New lead created!

After this pipeline was deployed to the property store, it will be executed automatically any time a new event with key webhook.salesforce.lead.created happens. In this case a new email will be sent to sales@company.tld.

Note: Each pipeline can define exactly one event.listen command an it must be the very first command in the pipeline.

Deep filtering for events

Beside the event key, each event can also be filtered by its properties. So a pipeline gets executed only in case such a filter evaluated with true. To do so, you can use the filter parameter of the event.listen command and place a pipeline expression here. Since the event object is automatically provided in the body for you, you can access it there from inside your pipeline expression (PE). For example:

pipeline: - event.listen: key: webhook.salesforce.lead.created filter: "#{body.target.CountryCode == 'DE'}" - mail: to: sales@company.tld subject: New lead created in #{body.target.CountryCode}!

In the filter parameter you can place a pipeline expression (PE). If this expression evaluates with true, all subsequent commands after event.listen will be executed.

In this example we assume that the event contains the Salesforce Lead object so we can filter for the CountryCode here. But this depends on the implementation of the webhook.

Sending event

In order to send an event, you can use the event.send command. Here is an example:

pipeline: - event.send: key: com.company.myevent

Every time this pipeline gets executed, it will send a new event with key com.company.myevent. Optionally you also set the payload of the event using its payload parameter. This can be a literal or a pipeline expression (PE) which points to an object to be attached to the payload.

Note: Whenever you send a custom event you need to prefix it with the reversed internet address of your company. In this example it is com.company. Otherwise it could be, that your event gets dropped or causes an exception.

Built-in events

These are events which come out-of-the-box with PIPEFORCE. Here is a list of those officially supported events:

Event Key



Event Key




Fired every time a new property was created in the property store.

Contains as origin the value null and as target the property created before.

{ "payload": { "origin": null, "target": { "uuid": "string", "key": "string", "type": "string", "value": "string", "created": timestamp, "updated": timestamp } } }


Fired every time a property was copied in the property store.

Contains as origin the source property and as target the property where source was copied to.

{ "payload": { "origin": { "uuid": "string", "key": "string", "type": "string", "value": "string", "created": timestamp, "updated": timestamp }, "target": { "uuid": "string", "key": "string", "type": "string", "value": "string", "created": timestamp, "updated": timestamp } } }


Fired every time a property was deleted from the property store.

Contains as origin the property which was deleted and as target null.

{ "payload": { "origin": { "uuid": "string", "key": "string", "type": "string", "value": "string", "created": timestamp, "updated": timestamp }, "target": null } }


Fired every time a property was moved from one key to another key.

Contains as origin the key of the source property and as target the key of the property where it was moved to.

{ "payload": { "origin": "string", "target": "string" } }


Fired after a property has been updated in the property store.

Contains as origin the property before the update and as target the property after the update.

{ "payload": { "origin": { "uuid": "string", "key": "string", "type": "string", "value": "string", "created": timestamp, "updated": timestamp }, "target": { "uuid": "string", "key": "string", "type": "string", "value": "string", "created": timestamp, "updated": timestamp } } }


Fired after the hub service was successfully started and all setup scripts have been executed successfully.

This event contains no payload.


Fired after the hub service was successfully started but right before all setup scripts will be executed.

This event contains no payload.


Fired after the hub service was successfully started.

Contains as origin the configuration of the context as key-value-pairs. The target is null.

{ "payload": { "origin": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }, "target": null } }



Fired every time a potential brute force attempt was detected.



Fired every time a login attempt has been failed.



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