Tutorial 02: Create an App
This tutorial is about
How to create and publish an app in PIPEFORCE.
This tutorial is relevant for
Automation Experts who want to build an app in order to automate a workflow, manage tasks, send notifications, integrate data flows, transform data or to do a combination of all of them.
You need to have a developer account in a PIPEFORCE customer or trial instance.
If you don’t have an account yet, just request it here: Jetzt testen - PIPEFORCE
Basics about Apps
In PIPEFORCE, an app groups together resources like scripts, templates, configurations and others to solve a certain business task. Such resources are also called properties.
Any property like a pipeline, form config or workflow definition and so on is by default part of exactly one app.
For each app, certain access rules can be specified.
Apps can be installed, uninstalled and optionally distributed via the marketplace.
It is possible to use staging and versioning for apps.
They can be developed online using the workbench or offline using source code files.
You can think of apps also like “plug-ins” for PIPEFORCE which solve a concrete business problem.
Therefore a PIPEFORCE app is sometimes also called a business solution.
Typically, all apps reside in the property store under the root path
, for example:global/app/myapp
.Apps can be visible to the user or hidden and run in "the background".
In case an app is visible to the user, it will be listed in the apps section of the portal: