Pipelines & Commands

Pipelines & Commands






The main purpose of Pipelines and Commands is to create and maintain data integrations between different systems and to implement business logic in a fairly flexible and easy way:

  • A pipeline is written in an executable YAML format.

  • Each pipeline consists of one or more commands.

  • A command is a component which can create, edit, send data and execute logic.

  • The output of the first command will become the input of the second, aso.

  • A pipeline can be executed manually or by a trigger.

  • Commands are sometimes also referred to as Pipes.

  • The pipeline can be created in your preferred local editor or in the Online Workbench (only ENTERPRISE, CORPORATE).

  • To manually execute a pipeline locally you can use the CLI (we will cover these possibilities of the CLI later in this chapter):

    • pi pipeline file /path/to/your/local/pipeline.pi.yaml

    • pi pipeline remote key/of/your/pipeline/on/server

    • pi pipeline uri “inline-pipeline”

  • But the easiest way to ad-hoc execute a pipeline is by using the Online Workbench of your portal (available since version 7.0 for ENTERPRISE, CORPORATE licenses).

What is a Command?

The most important part of a pipeline is a command. Easily spoken, a command is a single server side task or function which can be executed from outside by its unique name. It is based on the command pattern and function as a service software architecture patterns. It supports input parameters, an input message and can optionally produce an output message:

Any command can be configured using its input parameters. What type of parameters a command supports, depends on its implementation an can be looked up in its documentation.

Fast link to command documentation
The documentation of all commands available in your instance can be found here:

Make sure to replace <NAMESPACE> by the real name of your instance.

Or use the CLI to list the documentation of all available commands on your terminal:

pi help command

In order to get the documentation of a single command, you can use this CLI call:

pi help command log

This shows the documentation of the log command.

When you use the Online Workbench you will get auto-completion for each command and its parameters.

Here are some examples of such commands (whether these commands are also available in your instance depends on your license and your settings):






Returns the configuration from the backend.


Returns the date and time from the backend.

decrypt, encrypt

Encrypts and decrypts data using AES-256 and other algorithms.


Creates and sends a digital delivery with attachments via email.


Starts a docusign process from inside a pipeline.

drive.save, drive.read

Uploads and downloads files from your online cloud drive.

event.send, event.listen

Sends or listens to events in a pipeline.


Opens a website and extracts data from it or clicks links on it.


A lot of commands to manage users, groups and permissions.


Sends an email to one or more recipients.


Puts a stamp or watermark on a PDF.

http.get, http.post, …

Commands to do external HTTP / REST calls.

salesforce.create, …

Creates a given entity in Salesforce and others.


Sends a message to Slack.


Transforms a MS Word document to PDF.


Starts a BPMN workflow.

zip, unzip

Zips and un-zips files.

And many more…

By default, there are > 150 commands available out-of-the-box.

If you are missing a command for your purpose, please let as know using the support portal.

Execution of a single command

There are many possibilities to execute a single command. This makes sure that for any purpose you can use the best matching approach.

Via Online Workbench


Since version 7.0 of PIPEFORCE, the Online Workbench is available. This is an advanced online editor with full code completion support where you can write pipelines and commands to be executed and then run them online. This is the easiest and most preferred way to ad-hoc execute commands in pipelines. Here you can see the log command as an example to be executed there:

The Online Workbench

Via Command Line Interface (CLI)

Another approach to execute a single command is by using the Command Line Interface (CLI) (CLI). For example there is a built-in command datetime which returns the current date time. A call of this command using the CLI would look like this:

pi command datetime

Which will return a result similar to this:


In order to pass parameters to such a command, you can add them after the command name:

pi command datetime format=dd-MM-YYYY

Another, more advanced possibility to run a command is within a so called “pipeline uri”:

pi pipeline uri "datetime?format=dd-MM-YYYY"

This allows you to combine commands to a pipeline using the pipe | character on the command line:

pi pipeline uri "datetime|log?message=HELLO"

Note: Since different terminals handle characters like ? or | for example differently, make sure you wrap the pipeline uri inside quotation marks (" and "). Furthermore, make sure that your terminal also doesn't interpret ? and | inside the quotation marks. If so, consult the documentation of your terminal on how to escape these special characters so that they do not get interpreted by the terminal.


You can execute any command also as a rest-like endpoint using HTTP GET or POST calls. See this example using curl to call the datetime command:

curl -H "apitoken: <YOUR_TOKEN>" \ -X GET "https://hub-acme.pipeforce.net/api/v3/command/datetime"

By default, the response will look like this:

{ "result": "2020-08-07T15:14:02.471" }

The request parameters will be automatically mapped to command parameters. See below an example with parameters:

curl -H "apitoken: <YOUR_TOKEN>" \ -X GET "https://hub-acme.pipeforce.net/api/v3/command/log?message=HELLO"

Via online documentation


There is a web UI available in the portal in order to document any command enabled for your instance. Furthermore you can also execute commands for testing purposes using this web interface. By default the url to the command form looks like this:


Whereas <NAME> needs to be replaced by the name of the command. Here’s an example of the default command form for the datetime command:

Documentation via CLI

An alternative to see the documentation of all available commands is to use the CLI tool:

pi help command

This lists the documentation of all available commands.

pi help command log

This lists the documentation of a single command which is the log command in this example. Here is the example documentation output of this:

log: type: "object" description: "Logs the given input message without changing it. Sets the log message\ \ in the body in case body is empty. Doesn't overwrite any existing content in\ \ the body." inputType: "JsonNode" outputType: "JsonNode" properties: message: type: "number" description: "The message to log. Can be a string or a pipe expression. If null\ \ or empty, the full pipe message will be logged." default: null level: type: "string" description: "The log level. Can be one of DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERROR.\ \ If null or empty, INFO will be used." default: "INFO" required: - "message"


A command has a unique name it can be called with. The available commands in your instance depend on the license you’re using. You can find them in the documentation.

A command can have one or more parameters. The parameters and their meaning is documented in the command docs.

A single command can be executed by using one of these ways:

  • Via Online Workbench of the portal (Only: ENTERPRISE, CORPORATE)

  • Via Command Line Interface (CLI)


  • Via online command documentation (Only: ENTERPRISE, CORPORATE)

What is a Pipeline?

Two or more commands can be combined to a pipeline. If such a pipeline gets executed, the commands in it will be executed by their serial ordering within the pipeline. The output message of the first command will become the input message of the next command and so on. By default, such a pipeline is written in a YAML format.

Here is an example which uses two simple commands: The datetime command to produce the current date and time and after this the log command to log the result at server side:

pipeline: - datetime - log

In the YAML a pipeline is defined using the pipeline: list. Inside this list each command to be executed is defined as an element (after an indent and a dash -) by its name and optional parameters. The body output of the first command (datetime) will automatically become the body input of the next command (log).

Here is a more sophisticated example which uses three commands: The first loads a PDF file from cloud drive (which is a built-in archive and dropbox in PIPEFORCE), the second puts a stamp on this document and the third saves the PDF with the stamp back to drive:

pipeline: - drive.read: path: /my.pdf - pdf.stamp: text: "Hello World!" - drive.save: path: /my-stamped.pdf

The PDF file my.pdf is the output from the command drive.read and will become the input for pdf.stamp. After pdf.stamp was executed and has put the stamp on the file, it will send it as output to drive.save which stores it to the data room. Instead of a PDF file, the message body can also be of any other format like JSON, string or a like.

It's also possible to write your pipeline script in a JSON format. But we recommend using YAML since it is less “noisy”. The pipeline from above rewritten as a JSON would look like this:

{ "pipeline": [ { "drive.read": { "path": "/my.pdf" } }, { "pdf.stamp": { "text": "Hello World!" } }, { "drive.save": { "path": "/my-stamped.pdf" } } ] }

Execution of a pipeline

Similar to a single command, a pipeline of commands is executed by sending it to server. Its a more advanced version of the “Function as a Service” approach since it can execute a bunch of commands in a predefined order.

Via Online Workbench


Since version 7.0 of PIPEFORCE, the Online Workbench is available. This is an advanced online editor with full code completion support where you can write pipelines and commands to be executed and then run them online. This is the easiest and most preferred way to ad-hoc execute a command or pipelines. Here you can see a simple pipeline after its ad-hoc execution as an example:


Another approach to execute a pipeline is by using the CLI: Command Line Interface (CLI).

Local file

Lets assume you have a local pipeline file stored at src/global/app/myapp/pipeline/test.pi.yaml inside of your PIPEFORCE workspace, then you can execute it via this CLI call:

pi pipeline file src/global/app/myapp/pipeline/test.pi.yaml

This will load the local pipeline file and execute its content by sending it to the server. The result will be printed out to your terminal if there is any.

Note: A pipeline file must end in suffix to be detected correctly by your workspace .pi.yaml.


In case you have stored your pipeline at server side in the property store (Property Store), then you can execute it using this call:

pi pipeline remote global/app/myapp/pipeline/test

This command searches for a property in the property store with key global/app/myapp/pipeline/test and executes it plus sends any results back to your terminal.

Pipeline URI

A third option to execute a pipeline is by using a pipeline uri which is an inline version of a pipeline. You can rewrite any pipeline YAML fromat also as a pipeline uri. Lets assume this example:

pipeline: - datetime format: dd.MM.YYYY - log

You can rewrite this pipeline YAML as an inline pipeline uri which looks like this:


Such a pipeline uri you can then execute using this CLI call in one line:

pi pipeline uri "datetime?format=dd.MM.YYYY|log"

This is handy especially for smaller pipelines which you want to execute ad-hoc for example.


You can execute a pipeline also by sending it via HTTP POST to the server. See this example:

POST /api/v3/pipeline HTTP/1.1 Host: hub-acme.pipefore.net pipeline: - drive.read: path: /my.pdf - pdf.stamp: text: "Hello World!" - drive.save: path: /my-stamped.pdf

This will do by default a synchron execution of the pipeline at server side and returns with the response status code 200 OK and the result in the response body once finished.

Here is the PDF pipeline example from above, now executed using the curl tool which is available on all Linux, Mac and Windows systems:

curl -X POST "http://hub/api/v3/pipeline" -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @- << EOF pipeline: - drive.read: path: /my.pdf - pdf.stamp: text: "Hello World!" - drive.save: path: /my-stamped.pdf EOF

With this flexibility you can for example define a bash script and store it locally to execute this pipe with a single command and not much configuration, setup or coding required.

Pipeline scopes

Every pipeline script may consist of four main sections, called scopes:

  • headers

  • vars

  • pipeline

  • body

Here is an example of a pipeline script which defines all of these scopes:

headers: contentType: "text/plain" vars: counter: 0 pipeline: - log: message: "HELLO WORLD!" body: "This is text in the body"

All scopes except pipeline are optional in a pipeline script. Even if not explicitly defined in the pipeline script, each scope exists implicitly. That means you can access it and read / set values from / on it without declaring it in the pipeline. For example by using a pipeline expression (PE).


The headers section is optional. A header is a name value pair to define "global configuration" hints and configurations for the given pipeline. Only text is allowed as content, no complex objects. Not meant to be changed during pipeline processing.

It depends on the pipeline and its commands whether and which headers are required. Read the documentation of the commands of the pipeline.

It is similar to HTTP Request headers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields

You can set values in the headers scope using the Pipeline Expression Language (PEL). See here: Pipeline Expression Language (PEL).


The vars section is optional and contains transient variables as name value pairs. It is meant as a transient scope for states during the pipeline processing.

Values can also be complex objects and documents.

Values can be changed during pipeline processing.

You can access values in the vars scope using the Pipeline Expression Language (PEL). See here: Pipeline Expression Language (PEL).


The pipeline section is mandatory and lists all commands which must be executed in given order.

See your instance portal for a reference of available commands.

You can set dynamic parameter values on commands using the Pipeline Expression Language (PEL). See here: Pipeline Expression Language (PEL).


The body section is optional. It defines a single object to be used as “data pool” or transformation data during the pipeline processing.

In case commands return a value, by default they will write this value to the body implicitly. Whereas a previous commands value in the body will be overwritten by the command which comes next.

You can access values in the body scope using the Pipeline Expression Language (PEL). See here: Pipeline Expression Language (PEL).

Content Object

In order to process documents and other files using a pipeline, you first need to load such a file into the pipeline. After loaded, the file is automatically converted into a so called content object format. This is a wrapper around a document which provides all required information for such a document like its name size, mime type aso., for easier processing inside the pipeline. The content object provides these attributes:









The name of the document.



The unix timestamp in millis when this document was created.



The unix timetsmap in millis when this document was last modified.



The mime type of this document. If null, it assumed to be text/plain by default. See here for a list of official mime types: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml



The size of the document in bytes or -1 in case the size cannot be determined.



The data of the document. Which format the data has, depends on its mime type. For example if mime type is application/json then the data object returns here is a JSON document.

Here is an example to load a file from the drive service into the body scope and access its attributes of the content object afterwards from there:

pipeline: # Load document from drive and set it as content object in the body - drive.read: path: "invoice.pdf" # Access the attributes of the content object in the body - log: message: "Name: #{body.name}, Size: #{body.size}"

Content Object Collection

In case multiple documents are loaded into a pipeline, such documents are grouped together in a so called content object collection. Such a collection has a similar meaning like a folder in a local file system.









Returns the parent collection if this is a nested collection or null in case this is the root collection.



Returns the path to this collection whereas / is returned in case it is the root collection. Example: /rootCol/subCol.



Returns a list of all content objects which are contained in the collection. This can be a document but also another content collection in case they are nested.

A Content Collection is also a Content Object and therefore it also has all attributes of the Content Object.

Uploading a file

In order to upload a file and use it inside a command or pipeline you have different possibilities.

Upload a single file to a single command

In case a command expects a file as input message in its body, you can execute the command from the client using HTTP POST and put the file content in the body of the request. It will be loaded from the body and provided as input to the command’s body. Here’s an example request using the command transform.word2pdf which takes a .docx document as input converts it to PDF and sends back the result as response to the client:

POST /api/v3/pipe:transform.word2pdf HTTP/1.1 Host: hub-acme.pipefore.net <BINARY DATA OF my.docx>

Upload one or more files to a pipeline

In order to upload one or multiple files to be executed by a pipeline, you can make a HTTP POST request with header Content-Type: multipart/form-data to the pipeline endpoint. This will create a HTTP request with multiple parts in the HTTP request body, whereas the very first part is the pipeline YAML and all other parts are one or more files to be uploaded and used inside this pipeline.

Here’s an example of the body of such an HTTP multipart request as defined by the HTTP specification:

POST /api/v3/pipeline HTTP/1.1 Host: hub-acme.pipefore.net Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary="boundary" --boundary Content-Disposition: form-data; name="pipeline.yaml" pipeline: - pdf.stamp: text: "Hello World!" - drive.save: path: /my-stamped.pdf --boundary Content-Disposition: form-data; name="my.pdf"; filename="my.pdf" BINARY DATA OF my.pdf --boundary--

This example defines a pipeline and a file upload in the multipart body. It uploads the file my.pdf, ads a stamp to it and then stores the result in the built-in data room called drive.

The very first part in the body must be the pipeline definition. Any subsequent part is then treated as a file to be uploaded and gets passed into the pipeline for processing.

Uploading a file base64 encoded

Another way to upload a file to be used inside a pipeline is to “embed” the file base64 encoded inside the pipeline and upload this pipeline using HTTP POST:

POST /api/v3/pipeline HTTP/1.1 Host: hub-acme.pipefore.net Content-Type: "application/yaml" pipeline: - pdf.stamp: text: "Hello World!" - drive.save: path: /my-stamped.pdf body: "THE BASE64 ENCODED FILE CONTENT GOES HERE..."

The downside of this approach is that the base64 encoding of a file increases its size by about 33% percent. Therefore you should avoid this approach if possible and use the multipart/form-data upload instead.

Auto-completion support for pipeline scripts

Note: This is experimental.

In order to enable auto-completion support for pipeline configuration files in your local development editor, you need to add the pipeline schema file to your IDE.

Support in IntelliJ

To enable auto-completion in IntelliJ, open preferences and navigate to JSON Schema Mappings:

Preferences → Languages & Frameworks → Schemas & DTDs → JSON Schema Mappings

Add a new schema mapping with these values:

  • Name: pipeline-schema

  • Schema URL: https://hub-<NS>.pipeforce.net/api/v3/command:pipe.schema.v7

  • Schema version: JSON Schema version 7

Add new file path patterns for : *.pi.yaml

Now try it out: Create a new file foo.pi.yaml and start typing. You should get support for any file ending in *.pi.yaml.

Note: A YAML pipeline script should always end in suffix .pi.yaml which stands for pipeline yaml script.

Support in Visual Studio Code

To enable auto-completion in Visual Studio Code, open Preferences → Settings and search for section json.schemas and add a new mapping entry like this:

"json.schemas": [ { "fileMatch": [ "/*.pi.json" ], "url": "https://hub-<NS>.pipeforce.net/api/v3/command:pipe.schema.v7" } ],

Now try it out: Create a new file foo.pi.json and start typing. You should get support for any file ending in *.pi.json. Note: .pi.json stands for pipeline scripts written in JSON.

Note: Visual Studio Code doesn't have built-in schema support for yaml files. If you want to also enable code-completion for your pipeline yaml files, you need to install the YAML language support plugin from Red Hat first: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=redhat.vscode-yaml

Then open Preferences → Settings and add this line to your configuration settings.json:

"yaml.schemas": { "https://hub-<NS>.pipeforce.org/api/v3/pipe:pipe.schema.v7": ["/*.pi.yaml"] }


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