A Pipeline Trigger or just Trigger is an action which causes a persisted automation pipeline to be started and executing its automation steps.
These triggers are the most common ones in PIPEFORCE:
Starts an automation pipeline as a job at a given time interval.
See Pipeline Jobs for more details.
Starts an automation pipeline in case a message of interest has been received from the message queue / bus.
See Messaging and Events Framework for more details.
Starts an automation pipeline in case an internal event of interest has occurred. Events are quite similar to messages, except that their origin is always the hub backend.
Common event examples are:
= A new property has been created in the Property Store (Document Database).
= A new property has been deleted from the Property Store (Document Database).
= A potential brute force attack has been detected.
See Events for more details.
Starts an automation pipeline in case an external system sends a request to one of the custom webhook endpoints.
See Webhooks for more details.
Starts an automation pipeline in case a HTTP request to an API Gateway endpoint was made which in term is linked to a pipeline.
See API Gateway for more details.
Starts an automation pipeline in case a HTTP POST request to the endpoint /api/v3/pipeline
was done.
See Rest API for more details.