Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Because of its simplicity and power at the same time, the pipeline is one of the most important part in PIPEFORCE. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and execute such a pipeline script. To learn more about pipelines and commands in detail, see this section of the documentation: Pipelines & Commands.

1 - Executing an ad-hoc pipeline


  1. Login to the portal

  2. Navigate to LOW CODE → Workbench

  3. Now you should see the ad-hoc pipeline editor automatically opened for you. It looks similar to this:

  4. Here you can scribble any ad-hoc pipeline and execute it by pushing the RUN button.

  5. There is already a hello world demo pipeline prepared for you here.

  6. Do not change this pipeline and execute it by pushing the RUN button. After this, you should see an output like this at the bottom:

  7. Congrats, you have executed your first pipeline!

  8. Next, lets create a more sophisticated pipeline by sending a simple email. To do so, start typing inside the editor after the dash - and you should see command suggestions like this:

  9. Lets select the command mail.send from the list, finish the line with a colon :, go to next line and indent with two tabs [->|]. To see the list of available parameters for the command press [CTRL] + [SPACE] and you should again see the auto-completion list like this:

  10. Lets select the parameter to from the list and set your email address here and a subject as shown below:

  11. In your pipeline you have now two commands: The first one simply logs a message, the second one sends an email. Note that each command

    1. is listed below pipeline:,

    2. is indented with one tab,

    3. starts with a dash - followed by the command name.

    4. is finished with a colon : finally.

    5. can have optional parameters. In this case, you can specify them below the command after an additional indent using a tab.

    6. can exchange data with other commands. If you want to learn more about this, have a look here: Pipelines & Commands:

  12. Now lets execute this pipeline by pressing the RUN button.

  13. After a while you should receive the email in your inbox.

  14. Since this is an ad-hoc pipeline, in case you leave this view, your pipeline is gone. Therefore, you should persist (store) it if you later need it. At first copy this pipeline into your clipboard, then go on to the next part in this tutorial to learn how to persist it.


Persisting a pipeline means “storing” a pipeline script at server side in the property store (Property Store ) under a unique key. From there you can then load and execute it later by this unique key. Follow these steps to create such a persisted pipeline:
