Versions Compared


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Similar to the forms framework, reports can be created using the low code section in the online workbench.In . This means no in-depth developer knowledge is required.

However, in order to create reports with this reporting framework, it is important that you're familiar with the concepts concept of Command and Pipeline. If not, please follow the link to read more about these concepts and it then come back to this guide.


  • One or more pipelines, providing the reporting data.

  • A chart in order to visualize the reporting data.

Available Charts

To visualize the data of a report, PIPEFORCE uses the library Chart.js. This library provides many different types of charts. You can find many live examples on the Chart.js website:

Here are some example of such charts which can be used inside PIPEFORCE:



Horizontal Bar Chart


Stacked Bar Chart


Line Chart


Line Chart (interpolating)


Bubble Chart


Doughnut Chart


Pie Chart


Polar Chart


Radar Chart


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Creating a static chart

Each app can have multiple reports, each report is visualized by one chart. In order to create such a report chart, you have to create a new property of mime type application/json inside this path:

Code Block

Replace myapp by the name of the app you would like to place the report within and myreport by the name of your report.

The report configuration has this main format:

Code Block
  "title": "The title of your report",
  "description": "Description of your report",
  "type": "CHART_TYPE",
  "data" : {...},
  "options": {...}

Except title and description, this configuration is a 100% Chart.js configuration file meaning, you can use the full power of this library here. See here for a full reference about the configuration options.


  • title - Is the title to be displayed for the report.

  • description - Is the description of the report.

  • type - The type of the chart to be displayed. Please refer to the Chart.js sample documentation and select the key of the chart you would like to display and replace CHART_TYPE by this key. Example keys are: line, bar, radar, doughnut, bubble and many more.

  • data - Defines the data to be consumed by this chart. How this data structure looks like depends on the selected chart. Refer to the Chart.js documentation for the selected chart about it.

  • options - This section defines configuration options for the selected chart.

There are also other configuration elements possible. Please have a look into the Chart.js documentation for a full reference.

Here is a full working chart configuration with static data:

Code Block
  "title": "Pie chart example",
  "description": "My first PIPEFORCE report",
  "type": "pie",
  "data":  {
    "labels": ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"],
    "datasets": [
        "data": [20, 40, 20, 10, 10],
        "backgroundColor": ["#4dc9f6", "#f67019", "#f53794", "#537bc4", "#acc236"]
  "options": {
    "responsive": true,
    "plugins": {
      "legend": {
        "position": "top"
      "title": {
        "display": true,
        "text": "Pie Chart"


Copy the configuration from above as content to this property and save it. Then go to All Apps -> myapp -> Pie chart example. You should then see a static chart example which looks similar to this:


Creating a dynamic chart

In the previous chapter you have seen how to create a chart with static data. In this section you will learn how to make this report dynamic by loading dynamic data coming from a pipeline.

Its important to understand the concept, that all dynamic data for a chart is provided by a pipeline. Therefore, lets first create a simple pipeline which returns the data section for the chart:

Code Block
  - set.body:
      value: [20, 40, 20, 10, 10]

As you can see, this pipeline simply returns the data part of the chart configuration also as static array. But since you're already familiar with the concept of commands and pipelines you can probably imagine the power of this: You can now call any propriate appropriate command in order to load data from somewhere, for example from a SQL database, from a REST endpoint or any other data source, convert it into the data structure required by your chart and return it finally in the body.


The last step is to link your chart configuration with your pipeline. To do so, replace your origin data section of your chart configuration:

Code Block
  "data":  {
    "labels": ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"],
    "datasets": [
        "data": [20, 40, 20, 10, 10],
        "backgroundColor": ["#4dc9f6", "#f67019", "#f53794", "#537bc4", "#acc236"]

by this new section:

Code Block
  "data":  {
    "labels": ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"],
    "datasets": [
        "data": "$uri:pipeline:pipeline.start?key=global/app/myapp/pipeline/piechartdata",
        "backgroundColor": ["#4dc9f6", "#f67019", "#f53794", "#537bc4", "#acc236"]

As you can see, the static array [20, 40, 20, 10, 10] was replaced by a string, pointing to your pipeline: $uri:pipeline:pipeline.start?key=global/app/myapp/pipeline/piechartdata.


This approach can also be used for the labels element to provide dynamic labels.

Caching report data

Sometimes collecting and preparing the data for a report can be a long running task which takes a lot of time and processing power. In this situations you should consider to cache your reporting data.

To do so, you can use the pipeline commands cache.get and cache.put. Let's see the pipeline from the previous chapters extended by these caching commands:

Code Block

  - cache.get:
      key: "report:piechart"
      exit: true

  - set.body:
      value: [20, 40, 20, 10, 10]

  - cache.put:
      timeToLive: 30
      key: "report:piechart"
      value: "#{body}"

As you can see, the command cache.get at the beginning of the pipeline first looks-up an entry in the cache under key report:piechart. In case such an entry exists, the pipeline will be exited.


Finally this data from the body will be put into the cache using the key report:piechart. The data will be kept for 30 minutes.

In case this pipeline wil will be run within the next 30 minutes, the data is returned from the cache.